Pablito Roman Soria

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Los Primeros Dias

Al nacer, tuve muchos problemas, sobre todo cardíacos. Lo primero que le dijeron a papá fue que mi corazón estaba muy mal y que por alguna razón que desconocían, no llegaba suficiente oxigeno. Eso fue a las dos horas despues de nacer. Tambien mencionaron una deformidad en mi mentón "microretrognatia", y que las vias respiratorias superiores eran muy angostas. Con respecto al corazón, tenía las paredes gruesas (corazon grande), soplo, displasia de aorta, problemas en las valvulas.
En mis extremidades se verificaban temblores y asimismo fui medicado en forma preventiva para las convulsiones.
Poseia un marcado grado de hipertonia y fui sedado para evitar que con mis manitos me quitara o moviera las sondas, porque me encontraba muy "histerico o nervioso"
Otra circunstancia detectada en esos dias, era un importante problema de reflujo.
En un estudio realizado unos veinte dias despues de nacer, detectaron en mis ojos unas manchas (macula "rojo cereza"), que a veces suelen indicar enfermedades neurometabólicas (enfermedades en las cuales se van depositando sustancias en diferentes partes del cuerpo (lengua, ojos, hìgado, etc), produciendo daño progresivamente. Muchas enfermedades de este tipo no tienen tratamiento o cura.
Tambien le dijeron a papá que mis nervios ópticos estaban "Atrofiados", por lo que deberiamos realizar rehabilitacion visual. Que una persona adulta con ese diagnóstico prácticamente no tenia visión.
Mis pulmones no eran capaces de funcionar por si mismos, por lo que me pusieron el respirador artificial.
También me pusieron oxigeno, porque no saturaba bien.
Para poder alimentarme, me pusieron una sonda NASOGASTRICA (ingresa por la nariz y llega hasta el estómago.
Tenia los pulmones muy tomados (con abundante secreciones). Este problema se veia agravado porque la sonda nasogastrica, al ser un cuerpo extraño en las vias aereas superiores, incrementaba la formación de flema.


Blogger Ivey's Mom said...

I it amazing to compare these two babies. They have many similarities and many differences. Ivey did not need oxygen. She has been able to breathe on her own. Her lungs have been one good area of her body. She does have the ng tube for feeding. She has not had convulsions. The doctors have warned us of them, but to this point we have not experienced them.
I hope all is well. Ivey had a Barrium swallow test this morning. Have you had this test? The doctors are interest in her swallowing mechanism and to see if she is aspirating. Also, it indicates how severe her reflux is now. For now, Ivey's surgery is still planned for next Friday, October 27.
With prayers and love,

11:58 AM  
Blogger Ivey's Mom said...

I am hoping that you will read this post soon. Right now I am in a hospital and can not log onto my email.
Today in Ivey's surgery, the surgeons found a deformity in her airway. The airway was very small due to part of the cartilaginous rings lying in the larynx area of her throat. I could easily draw you a diagram. It is hard to explain. This problem was not detected by several doctors until today when they tried to prep her for surgery. The doctor told us she was one cold away from dying. Her airway would have closed and there would have been nothing we could do about it.
A few months ago, Ivey was hospitalized due to a very high respiratory rate and a very low heart rate. No explaination could be found then. This now explains it.
I though I would pass this along. I do not know if you have had Pablito intubated before. He may or may not have this deformity. But I thought that possibly the information could be important to you.
Many Prayers,

3:14 AM  

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